
Abstract Scriptable Object


Custom Effects are a way to add additional functionality to each StatusEffectData. Truthfully anything can be done with them as they are just an inheritable abstract class with a coroutine, allowing for unlimited functionality. It is highly recommended to take a look at the samples for an idea of how to use them.

Abstract Methods


A Coroutine that is started when the StatusEffect begins.


A method that is invoked when the StatusEffect is stopped.


using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
// Use StatusEffects.Custom namespace for organization.
namespace StatusEffects.Custom
    // Setup scriptable object in create menu.
    [CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Poison Effect", menuName = "Custom Effects/Poison", order = 1)]
    public class PoisonEffect : CustomEffect
        // Unique value for this effect example
        public float intervalSeconds = 1f;

        public override IEnumerator Effect<T>(T monoBehaviour, StatusEffect statusEffect)
            // Use your own character/entity class for this
            Entity entity = monoBehaviour.GetComponent<Entity>();
            for (; ; )
                // Use your own TakeDamage() logic. This will 
                // occur every interval until the effect ends.
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(intervalSeconds);

        public override void EffectEnd<T>(T monoBehaviour, StatusEffect statusEffect) { }

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